These convenient portable monitors employ Microstream® technology with proven Nellcor O2 saturation technology to provide accurate, continuous capnography on intubated and non-intubated patients from neonate to adult and proven pulse oximetry. Combined with our patented FilterLine® circuits, and Nellcor’s wide range of SpO2 sensors, the Microcap® Plus allows for simultaneous "hassle free" EtCO2 and SpO2 monitoring.
Features & Benefits
Microstream® - 3rd generation CO2 technology - used with all patients, all applications, all environments
* CO2 specific light source - No routine user calibration, gas compensation for O2 or N2O, He zeroing required
* Full featured capnography - All the features of a bedside unit in a convenient portable design
* Full featured pulse oximetry - Provides continuous monitoring for SpO2 and pulse rate
* Small sample cell - Prevents mixing of non-C02 gases and supports high RR
* 50cc/min flow rate - Allows for use with neonates without competing for tidal volume. Assists in moisture / secretions handling (less occlusion issues). Non-intubated applications are easy and accurate
* Dual numeric display for numeric values for EtCO2 and respiration rate values with CO2 capnographic waveforms and on screen trends. Enables user to quickly assess airway integrity, ventilation and perfusion status
* Backlit LCD display - Monitor easily read in any lighting condition
* On screen trending - Provides historical view of changing patient condition
* Adjustable alarm limits for hi / low EtCO2, high FiCO2 respiration rate, SpO2 and pulse rate - Increases patient safety
* Alerts for FilterLine® disconnect, FilterLine® blockage and monitor status- Increases patient safety
* User selectable default settings - User customization for instrument settings: language, alarms, mmHg/%vol/KPa readings
* FilterLine® circuits - Widest range of patient dedicated circuits for all types of patients / all clinical applications offering superior moisture handling
* Nellcor SpO2 sensors - Widest range of patient dedicated SpO2 sensors; accurate, durable and versatile
* AC line / battery operation - For use in all short and long term clinical applications. Up to 6-hour "quick change" NiMH battery pack for extended transport
* Data management - Up to 14 hours internal trend memory at 5-sec resolution. RS232 output to printer, PC or Digital to Analog Converter
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